Purchase of low carbon rolling stock for Kołobrzeg

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Gmina Miasto Kołobrzeg
low-emission transport

Municipal Commune of Kołobrzeg - 8 new city transport buses run in the streets of Kołobrzeg; they comply with the EURO VI Standard. They replaced Neoplan and Scania buses that had been used for years, with the millage of ca. one million kilometres and the operation of which would generate high emissions of CO2 and other harmful pollutants.
The new 12 metre long vehicles are adapted to the needs of disabled persons; among others, they will possess automatic transmission gearboxes, air conditioning, a passenger information system as well as validating machines to be used with payment cards. The net cost of a single bus is PLN 933,703. As part of the project, promotion activities were conducted to encourage the residents and tourists to use public transport. Smaller numbers of passenger cards in the streets of the city of Kołobrzeg will reduce the emissions of CO2 and other harmful pollutants.

Signing the project co-financing agreement: 30 December 2016
Total value of the project: PLN 9 231 888
Co-financing from the European funds: PLN 6 187 616.64
The investment was completed in September 2017

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