Investments into integrated infrastructure related to low carbon transport in the City of Koszalin

Gmina Będzino
Miasto Białogard
Gmina Białogard
Gmina Biesiekierz
Gmina Bobolice
Gmina Dygowo
Gmina Gościno
Gmina Karlino
Gmina Kołobrzeg
Miasto Kołobrzeg
Miasto Gmina Koszalin
Gmina Manowo
Gmina Mielno
Gmina Polanów
Gmina Sianów
Gmina Siemyśl
Gmina Świeszyno
Gmina Tychowo
Gmina Ustronie Morskie
Gmina Miasto Kołobrzeg
low-emission transport

City of Koszalin - The objective of this project is a multi-element construction of communications infrastructure that integrates various transport system. The bicycle paths under construction are connected to the existing one to provide the continuity of bicycle paths in the entire city. A section of the bicycle path by the street of Morska is under construction. This runs through the industrial area of the city. Another bicycle path will run along the River of Dzierżęcinka: from the street of 4 Marca through the city centre to the street of Jamneńska; this will enable the residents to cycle to work, school, public institutions, cultural institutions or any other places. A bicycle path is currently under construction by the street of Zwycięstwa. This will make it easier for the residents of the Housing Estate of Rokosowo, and even those from the neighbouring Commune of Sianów, to access the centre of Koszalin. 10.09 km of new bicycle paths will be built which, in combination with the existing paths, will form a network of 56.29 km bicycle paths in the area of Koszalin. Bike&Ride facilities situated by the train station and the bus station have already been put to use.
The city bike has been functioning since April 2018 to serve the residents of Koszalin and the Koszalińsko-Kołobrzesko-Białogardzki Functional Urban Area; this can be hired from ten convenient locations in the city. This project is currently under implementation.

Signing the project co-financing agreement: 6 September 2017
Total value of the project: PLN 20 673 718.95
Co-financing from the European funds: PLN 12 092 696.27
Completion of the investment: December 2020

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